Russia Unveils New Tor-M2U Short-Range Air Defence Missile System (ADMS)
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Russia Unveils New Tor-M2U Short-Range Air Defence Missile System (ADMS)
#TorM2U #RussianArmy #AirDefense
Tor-M2U short-range air defence missile system (ADMS) is a modernisation of the Tor-M2 missile system.
The ADMS is in service with three military districts of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and is set to replace Wasp air defence systems, as well as Osa short-range tactical surface-to-air missile systems.
The Tor-M2U missile system is designed to protect military and government installations from airstrikes. It can destroy a variety of aerial targets such as cruise missiles, guided missiles, helicopters, aircraft, guided bombs, unmanned aerial systems, and high-precision weapons flying at low and medium-altitudes.
The new-generation, all-aspect, all-weather ADMS is capable of operating in difficult air and jamming environments during day and at night.
A naval version of the Tor-M2U is being developed by Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant Kupol for integration on to the Russian Navy vessels.
Features of Tor-M2U ADMS……..
The Tor-M2U air defence missile system is armed with 12 9M331 surface-to-air guided missiles, which are launched from aluminium containers. The missile’s high-explosive fragmentation warhead and an active proximity fuse allow it to destroy targets moving at speeds of 700m/s and altitudes of 6,000m, within a range of 12km. It can fire targets with a short stop of three to five seconds.
It is capable of detecting and tracking approximately 48 high-manoeuvring air targets and simultaneously attack up to four targets.
The Tor-M2U missile complex consists of upgraded electronics and guidance system, 9T244 transporter / loader vehicle, 9F116 rigging equipment set, 9T245 transporter, 9V887 maintenance vehicle, and 9F399 truck. The on-board command and control system ensures full automation of combat operations.
Tor-M2U combat vehicle…….
The anti-aircraft missile system is based on a 9A331 (GM-5955) tracked combat vehicle, which can travel at a road speed of approximately 65km/h for a range of 500km. It is operated by a crew of four members including a driver, a commander and two operators.
The crew cabin is located at the front section and the turret is mounted at the centre of the vehicle. A surveillance radar antenna, fitted at the rear of the vehicle, provides 90° scan coverage. The vehicle is also equipped with a K-band, phased-array, pulse-Doppler, electronically-steered radar that has a range of 25km.
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