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Weymouth Class

time 2019/03/14

Weymouth Class

Weymouth — British Tier II cruiser.

This medium-size cruiser had weak armor protection, but boasted powerful artillery and quite a high speed. She was conceived as a “trade protection” cruiser and was designated for countering lightly-armed enemy ships of the same type
Weymouth introduces captains to the 152mm rifle, which remains the standard armament of the British cruiser line all the way to Tier X. The ballistics of the shells at this tier is not particularly great, but is satisfactory given the speed and maneuverability of opposing ships captains are likely to encounter at Tiers II and III. The ship itself is nothing spectacular — decent handling and plenty of gun barrels — and while it begins to give captains a taste of what a cruiser line without high explosive looks like, having no other damage options available besides armor-piercing rounds is somewhat frustrating. Thankfully, Weymouth is the last ship in the branch not to have torpedoes available.

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