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Late Call (1965)

time 2019/03/14

Late Call (1965)

Feature length documentary (61 minutes) demonstrating a Royal Navy and Royal Marines exercise in the Far East. Filmed during 1964/65 and based on Exercise ‘Dark Night.’

The documentary has film footage of HMS Bulwark (Centaur class commando carrier), HMS Eagle (Audacious class aircraft carrier), HMAS Melbourne (Majestic class aircraft carrier), HMS Kent (County class guided missile destroyer), HMNZS Otago (Type 12 firgate), HMS Zesty (Type 15 antisubmarine frigate), 40 Commando, 42 Commando, 845 Squadron FAA (Wessex helicopters), and RFA Tidesurge (Tide class replenishment oiler).

British government official film. Uploaded as “fair use.”

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