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How To Play HMS Orion In World Of Warships

time 2019/03/14

How To Play HMS Orion In World Of Warships

Table of Contents (Click to Skip)
03:35 – Service History
06:08 – In Game Play Style
07:24 – Stats
10:30 – Upgrades
12:09 – Battle Start

The HMS Orion is an upgrade over Bellerophon in that it gains more reliable guns, heavier armor and retains the good HE and decent maneuverability and stealth. She does have some pretty hit or miss AP, but is far better than Bellerophon in that regard. The ships play nearly identical though and do reward good positioning. Just be cautious of their lack of overall durability. Tanking damage is not easy as no amount of angling seems to make a difference in the damage you take. It’s a lot like Kongou in that regard. If the shells hit the belt they’ll bounce, but the superstructure just eats normal penetrations like a fat kid eats candy! 🙂

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