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How To Play French Cruiser Duguay-Trouin In World Of Warships

time 2019/03/14

How To Play French Cruiser Duguay-Trouin In World Of Warships

Table of Contents (Click to Skip):
01:35 – Service History
04:48 – In Game Play Style
07:14 – Stats
09:13 – Upgrades
10:42 – Battle Start

The Duguay Trouin class cruiser was a light cruiser built for the French Navy in the 1920’s that was inspired by the US Navy’s Omaha Class Scout Cruisers. So much so they actually share a hull profile! 🙂 Some major differences exist though, such as the Omaha class having armor and the Duguay-Trouin having next to none! 🙂 Overall, this ship plays like a slightly more powerful Friant with a scout plane and hydro so play accordingly! 🙂 Strong recommendation for island abuse and good knowledge of when and when not to use AP!

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