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Navy Blue, Diane Renay, USS Saint Paul

time 2019/03/12

Navy Blue, Diane Renay, USS Saint Paul

In 1964 The Saint Paul was selected to be the ship commanded by John Wayne in the film “In Harms Way” In the movie, it was a flagship for a fleet during World War 2. In real life it was the flagship for the Seventh Fleet during the Vietnam War. The movie scenes were actually filmed aboard ship while underway between the mainland and Hawaii,

Special thanks to Diane Renay who was kind enough to approve the use of her song for this video.

In 1968 in Vietnam, the USS Saint Paul engaged the enemy and fired more rounds in combat than any Navy Cruiser in history. 50 years later the record still stands. And nearly 55 years later, the beautiful and talented Diane Renay’s song, “Navy Blue” sounds better than ever!

Dedicated to the memory of my late friends James J. (Kimo) Yoshida, and Gary Amaral who served their country with honor aboard the USS Saint Paul during the Vietnam war.

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