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French Army artillery during World War I. HD Stock Footage

time 2019/03/07

French Army artillery during World War I. HD Stock Footage

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French Army artillery during World War I.

French troops moving a large gun barrel on a small gauge railway during World War 1. Men ride in open cars behind train engine. Troops assembling a 370mm railroad howitzer and then raising and lowering its camouflage-painted barrel. Railroad trains passing through woods. A French 320mm railroad gun covered by camouflage netting. Gun crew members clamber aboard. Army gunners rapid-firing a French 75 artillery field piece covered by camouflage net. French soldiers passing spent 75mm shells from a wagon and tossing them into a huge pile. View of the pile and of the larger munitions depot in which it sits. A small gauge rail is seen along the ground in the depot. French artillery and caissons being pulled by horses, past the pile of spent shells. Turret of a railway howitzer turning. Exploding shell from the howitzer. French gunners firing a 155mm field howitzer (Canon de 155 Mle 1917 Schneider C). Views of a French 400mm railway howitzer firing. What looks like a small old navy cannon firing in the field. French coastal batteries firing. A 320mm rail gun firing. No man’s land and shells exploding in distance. A rail gun at the rear of a freight train, firing. Numerous scenes of French rail guns of various types and sizes firing. (WWI. WW1) Location: France. Date: 1917.

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